Roundtown Reels!
Welcome to Roundtown Reels, a film program brought to you by Roundtown Players Theatre! In 2019 we saw a need for more entertainment in Pickaway County, especially for families, so we decided to expand beyond our live performances and bring you year-round movies! We want to offer something for everyone, and for $5.00 for students and $10.00 for adults per ticket, we hope that everyone will be able to enjoy them. Keep checking here for the full schedule or like our Facebook page for notifications of upcoming films.
Adult Admission – $10
Student (up to age 17 or with Valid ID) – $5
Upcoming Films
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Friday 10/27/20023 7:00 pm
Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Saturday 10/28/2023 1:00 pm
More films will be announced for November and December 2023 – and all year long!